Sketching on the river

To order Tim's book / Contact details

Book and DVD information
Three Rivers of the Amazon is a 300-page coffee table book that tells the story of Tim's quest. It is semi-autobiographical and contains chapters about Tim's early life, a trip to Alaska, and a spiritual journey. The book also features a variety of sketches and drawings (made by Tim on the trips).
Price:     R200.00 (including postage)

Produced by filmmaker Kyle O'Donoghue, who also shot the footage of the Marañón trip in 2004, the Three Rivers of the Amazon DVD (28 min.) is an interesting accompaniment to the book. It features rare and exciting footage from each trip and puts faces to names.
Price:     R50.00 (including postage)

Contact Details
The Little Bigg Guesthouse (Pietermaritzburg) (033) 346 0957
Tim's e-mail

You may also contact Tim by using the Contact Me button on the homepage. Any comments or advice will be appreciated.


Steve Fisher, professional whitewater kayaker, writes the following in the foreword to Tim’s book:
"One of the things I’ve always enjoyed about Tim is the way he tells his stories. They are told with excitement and passion...whilst cleverly adding twists and turns to the tale at just the perfect moment. Three Rivers does precisely what it’s supposed to do. It draws you in and lets you feel exactly what it’s like to be on an expedition. I’m excited that Tim has put his stories on paper for us, and future generations, to enjoy. Reading this beautifully illustrated book is nothing short of inspiring. Kayakers and non-paddlers alike will be delighted."